by Paul Reckas

Feb 2, 20162 min

3 Low-tech Ways To Protect Your Data

While technology goes a long way in protecting the privacy of your data by means of firewalls, antivirus monitoring software, and managed security services, there are still a few common low-tech behaviors that could expose your network to a malicious attack. Think of it as forgetting your keys on the front door of your house. No matter how sophisticated your home alarm system is, there is not much you can do to prevent a thief that finds the keys hanging on your front door.

The following tips in combination with a tight and secure network setup will ensure that malicious software and people will not be able to gain access to your systems. Best of all, you do not need to be an IT expert!

1. Passwords

We cannot stress this enough.It is too often we run into passwords such as: 12345, password, login, 11111, abc123.We recommend using passwords that contain a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.Common words can easily be cracked by hackers using software .If you have to write down your passwords so you do not forget them, keep them in a secure space.It is not uncommon to see passwords on a yellow post it not dangling on a monitor or keyboard exposed to anyone who happens to be passing by.

2. Emails from unknown sources

The majority of infections we deal with were caused by someone opening an email from an unknown sender and then clicking on a link or downloading an attachment.Some of the worst viruses such as CryptoLocker are propagated this way and are very difficult to deal with. Hackers are getting ever so more creative in finding ways to get you to click on an email link or download its attachments.If in doubt, it is best to delete the suspect email right away.

3. Websites and Unauthorized downloads

Did you know you can get a virus just by visiting a website? Many websites have malware and viruses lurking that take advantage of your browser's or operating system’s vulnerabilities. Just as you are cautious with what emails you open, you should be cautious of websites you visit or items you download from unknown sources. Avoid such sites at all costs and instruct your staff to do so as well.

If you need further assistance with ensuring that your clinical or business data is secure please contact our support team at
